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Getting to Know: Shawn Ross

As Project Manager, Shawn Ross has been tasked with leading large customer projects. Last year, he was honored with an Employee Excellence Aware for his efforts in the area of Customer Service. Read on to learn more about Shawn:

  • Name: Shawn Ross
  • Length of time with the Company: I have been with DQE Communications for eight years.
  • What accomplishment are you most proud of from your career with DQE? I’ve enjoyed playing a role in helping DQE grow. Since I started, DQE has more than doubled the amount of fiber we have. We’ve expanded into three additional markets and two additional states.
  • Of DQE’s core values, which do you most identify with and why? “Selfless in serving the community, both on the job and through volunteerism.” I’m willing to help wherever I’m needed. I volunteer in my community as a coach and mentor as well as an elder in my church.
  • Which person do you admire most, and why? My parents. They never allowed me to give up or say, “I don’t know.” I was told to keep going or find the answer.